This first image puts emphasise on the lead singer as opposed to the whole band as I wanted to include a single person on the front cover of my magazine as that is a common code and convention of a magazine front cover. The shot here is a close up which puts full focus on the artists face. This is in order to allow him to be fully recongnisable to audiences and they will identify him with the band name on the front of the magazine. The fact he is wearing sunglasses still gives the shot a bit of mystique as people who aren't fully familiarised with the band may be intruiged as to who this is. The iconography within this picture such as his checked shirt relates to the target audience who will take an interest within my magazine/this band. The store TOPMAN is a popular place to stock these type of shirts and this will make the audience identify this artist and perhaps aspire to be like him by purchasing similar clothing.

I decided a plain, white background would have been best to use for this particular image as it is a typical code and convention of a magazine to include a plain background as there will also be other text included on the front cover. I decided to use photoshop to acheive this. As I am not too familiar with this program, I don't feel this image looks proffessional enough to use on my front cover. The fact that it is a close up of his face also suggests that it may not be suitable to use on my front cover as, typically, a mid or long shot is used.
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