To get my basic design idea I studied the layout of other magazines and looked at the traditional conventions and where they typically position various aspects on the magazine such as the strapline, main image etc. I decided to add a strapline to my front cover as I noticed most magazines included this and it was an important convention that would need to be followed.
Stereotypically, the logo of a magazine is placed at the top left hand corner of the magazine and I decided not to challenge this when positioning my magazine as it is ambitious for a first issue and it is easy to follow, recognisable for potential audiences and it works well.
I only want to use one large image on my front cover as when looking at other magazines for inspiration, I feel this is the kind of layout which stands out more as it focuses on one particular artist instead of being busy and crowded with several bands/artists. It also makes the front cover look sleek and professional and follows the conventions of a typical magazine cover. I am also going to use a small image on the bottom left hand corner introducing the artist which will be featured in my double page spread along with some text to give an insight into what the interview or article will be about.
The main headline will be introducing the main image and making it clear to the audience who the artist/band are if they are not aware already and could hail to existing fans as not only the face, but the band name will be clearly recognisable.
I will also be using a smaller image in the bottom left hand corner along with some text giving some sort of insight as to what is going to be one of the main attraction points of the magazine.
At the top left hand corner just underneath the logo is another small text box. This will also include something to attract readers to purchase, open and then read what is in the magazine, perhaps details of a competition. There will also be a small line of text at the bottom of the magazine.

Firstly , the colour scheme is red,yellow ,white and black , this matches the scheme of NME magazine and works well because the colours are complementary whilst standing out amongst other magazines on the shelf. The colours are effective as they can appeal to both genders.
Across the top of the magazine is a strapline which is included on the cover of most magazines. It announces what could be of ineterest to a potential buyer and hail them to the magazine. I chose white font on top of red as this is striking and immediately capturing attention.
Coventionally, the magazine name and logo are placed in the top left corner of magazines. This theme makes it easier to establish what the magazine it is and I decided not to challenge this convention as it works well in all existing magazines. The reason for choosing this logo is because it has a smashed glass effect which gives conotations of rebellion whilst having a modern feel. Underneath the logo I have included what the title of the magazine actually stands for e.g NME stands for New Music Express. This makes it clear for any new readers to identify what it stands for and to avoid confusion.
Beneath the logo I have a cover stating a competition within the magazine. This too can attract readers and give them the opportunity to gain more from the magazine and has the potential to entice new readers who may not ordinarily purchase a magazine but will do with the promise of gaining some rare merchandise. I decided to challenge the usual layout of having straplines running horizontally across the magazine and instead had them in different angles. This can catch the eye straight away as it is positioned differently to the rest of the magazine. The fact that the text is written over a block of colour also makes it striking more than some of the less appealing text.
My main headline is the most enticing text on the page. This is because it corresponds with main image of the artist. I decided to continue to use the colour scheme of red and white but for the actual artist's name I used a completely different colour as this needs to stand out and be the main feature of the front cover. This, along with the image is going to be one of the most appealing aspects of the magazine so it important to make sure the focus isn't taken away from that.
Again, the barcode is in a traditional position of the bottom right corner. This creates familiarity which gives the magazine a professional look. Likewise with the date, issue number and price being placed together.
I didn't want to use too much text on the front of the magazine as this can take away focus of the main image and create a busy, non-professional look. The idea of having alot of text could 'put off' a potential buyer as it can seem somewhat overwhelming and rather having to read to be attracted to it, it's visually attractive. With having so much competition on the current market, the magazine needs to stand out and be appealing to the target audience especially if a potential buyer doesn't really have any 'browsing' time. It is important that the text actually included is simple, but is able to draw you in. I included straplines in the bottom right hand corner of te page as well as along the bottom of the page as it isn't distracting attention away from the main focus of the magazine and they are in traditional posisitons of a magazine front cover.

The main image is fun and striking and also compliments the colour scheme which is important. The main headline also corresponds with the main image as it is about the artists band and along with the image and headline, fans are able to recognise the name of the band alongside the lead vocalist.
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