Straight away you can see how the whole layout of this contents page in comparison to NME' s contents page is totally different. It's alot more simplistic and not as busy or colourful. The font used is very basic and there isn't any particularly large fonts used, the focus is more on images. A similarity between the two content pages is that a bold heading is used followed by normal writing on each point suggesting this is a typical code and convention of a magazine regardless of it being either a music magazine or a fashion magazine.
Not only is there text along with page numbers but also images which makes it easy to follow and perhaps attracts readers to go to that page straight away rather than reading through all the text to get to the page they desire. This could be something which I can include in my contents page.
All the seperate pages are split into sub- categories: 'features', 'fashion' and in 'every issue'. You also see this in NME which again makes me take into account that this is an aspect I should definately include within my contents page.
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